You might own the Libs but the Dictator will own your guns

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed 

The 2nd Amendment

Dictators have well understood the greatest internal threat to their hold onto power is the ability of the people to defend themselves.  Removing that ability is the only way to run an effective dictatorship.

In this country, the people's sovereignty is the foundation behind the Second Amendment. The right to keep and bear arms is meant to protect the people from a government gone bad under a dictator using its military and its police.

Donald Trump said that he would only be a “dictator on day one” of a second term.

  • But many people wonder if he will stop being a dictator AFTER day one?

  • Some people wonder if Trump’s base is fooled by his jokes at his rallies.  Is it just camouflage?  Maybe the jokes cause his supporters to laugh all the way into the voting booth, happily surrendering their right to bear arms while voting for a would-be dictator? 

Republican voters, and Trump’s base, especially, should be clear-eyed going into the election; because many people wonder about the paradox, that by voting for Trump, they-themselves may be facilitating a dictatorship that will engage the military to remove guns from the hands of citizens and revoke the right to bear arms under the 2nd amendment?

  • Trump hints at an expanded role for the military within the US as he is on the campaign trail. A legacy law, The Insurrection Act, gives him few guardrails: A law first crafted in the nation’s infancy would give Trump as commander in chief almost unfettered power to do so.  The Insurrection Act allows presidents to call on reserve or active-duty military units to respond to unrest in the states, an authority that is not reviewable by the courts.

  • The principal constraint on a president’s use of The Insurrection Act is basically political: presidents don’t want to be the guy who sent tanks rolling down Main Street.  But there’s not much really in the law to stay a president’s hand.

  • Many people who cherish our 2nd Amendment rights say that the first warning sign will be Trump, using the powers under The Insurrection Act, to compel universal gun-registration into a central database; **universal gun registration will be the means to confiscation of all guns for a dictator. 

Many people wonder if Trump will use the excuse of illegal immigrants to confiscate all guns, under the guise of preventing them from falling into the hands of the “criminal illegal immigrants?”  Regardless, a dictator doesn’t need an excuse to confiscate guns.

  • The citizens of Victor Orban's Hungary cannot possess weapons; certainly, the citizens of Russia, under Putin, cannot possess weapons; the citizens of North Korea under Kim Jong Un cannot possess weapons. 

  • All of those leaders are held in very high esteem by Donald Trump, with “strongman” Orban visiting Trump at Mar A Lago on March 9, 2024; many people wonder if Trump and Orban discussed strategy for a second term in office?

Donald Trump has long expressed admiration for the power wielded by dictators.

  • Many people wonder if Trump will unleash the military on the streets of America in his 2nd term?

  • Many people wonder if Trump will invoke the The Insurrection Act and Martial Law to confiscate guns?

On the surface, the idea that TRUMP WILL TAKE YOUR GUNS sounds absurd: “Are you crazy?  We are Trump’s supporters; he wouldn’t take OUR guns!!”

  • This digital age of Artificial Intelligence and invasive technologies spreads the vast power of the dictator everywhere, entrapping each citizen, EVEN SUPPORTERS OF THE DICTATOR: crushing out any hopes of DEFIANCE and THE ABILITY TO DEFEND ONESELF AND ONE’S FAMILY.

The purpose of this website isn’t to persuade; it’s to start a conversation. 

  • Most dictators use “trust-me-and-only-me” rhetoric.  Similarly, many people wonder about Trump’s rhetoric: “Only I can fix it. I am your warrior. I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution." 

Many people wonder if they will need guns at all since Trump promises to be a “strongman” who will be the ultimate protection?

  • In December, 2022, Trump declared that certain situations "allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution."  Many people wonder if a "situation" could arise, or be manufactured, to cause the 2nd Amendment to be terminated?

  • As James Madison wrote, an armed population forms a solid defense against a government's "enterprises of ambition."

What say you?  Contact us at: willtrumptakeyourguns@dictatoronday1.org